Change The Color Folders in windows Softwear Download
Friday, January 11, 2013
When You do have a lots of files and data on your hard drive you might need a lot of time to access to the desired file, so the coloring the folders will help you to quickly identify the desired folder among other folders, because it will attract your eyes to making it easier for you to browse folder on Windows.

Folder Colorizer Best program to change Color Folder
Folder Colorizer is 100% free application will change Color Folder which help you to quickly locate files by ther color folder , and then choose between several colors provided by you favorite program or design new colors of your choice. The Beautiful in Folder Colorizer colors that you can apply easily by clicking on the file that you wish to right-mouse clik and then choose the color you wish to apply.
Folder Colorizer is 100% free application will change Color Folder which help you to quickly locate files by ther color folder , and then choose between several colors provided by you favorite program or design new colors of your choice. The Beautiful in Folder Colorizer colors that you can apply easily by clicking on the file that you wish to right-mouse clik and then choose the color you wish to apply.