How to earn money form home with kayads .

KayAds is a great website to make a passive income online on, but unless you are familiar on the correct strategy for earning money on kayads,it is unlikely that you will achieve much.First understand what PTC sites do and How KayAds allows it users to earn money in the various ways.
Lets Get Started With The KayAds Strategy!
First things first, sign up at:   or click this banner

You will need to enter in your correct Payza/Egopay/Neteller account,make sure its correct as that is where the money will be sent! If you are new to using PTC sites, then take some time looking around the whole website, the most important part is your "account" page, look at all the different buttons and understand what they all do.Also you could check out the KayAds forum which contains different topics posted by users such as their "success story's" or experiences with using KayAds. You will now start doing the task that needs to completed once a day,don't worry,it only takes 3 or 4 minuets each day and will eventually be earning you $40 a day.You have to view the daily advertisements,Go to the view advertisements page to start doing this,the highest paying ads are located at the bottom of that page, they are orange and are titled "Fixed Advertisements". The fixed advertisements pay you $0.01 each to view, you can view 4 a day. I know this is hardly anything but it is required daily to start off with! You need to view 4 ads every day until you have $0.6 in your account balance, if you  reach $0.6 without investing any money then it will take about 2 weeks to reach, but hey, its only 5 mins a day!
You need to reach $0.6 in your KayAds account balance so you can start renting referrals.Each referral costs $0.20 to rent, but you can only buy them in packs and the lowest pack you can rent is  referrals for $0.6 Success can be reached on KayAds with absolutley 0 investment.However,you can speed up the entire process drastically by investing a small amount to get started,for example,if you invested $10 , you could then instantly rent 50 referrals,which would earn you $1 a day,where as if you did it without investment it would take 2 weeks of clicking $0.01 ads to get $0.6,you could then rent 3 referrals and would gradually be able to rent more and more until you caught up with the person who invested $10 to begin with.


For the purpose of this guide I will assume that you are starting without investing any money at all into kayads

Step 1 -
Click your advertisements daily,it only takes a few minuets and its easy to get into the routine of doing it every day.
You don't have enough in your account balance to start renting referrals yet,but you could try and get some direct referrals - from the account page,click on banners to view your referral link,sending your referral link to friends or family will make them become your referral if they join kayads.You could share your referral link on facebook, twitter,etc.. or email it or put it on your blog or website.If you manage to get direct referrals early on it will speed up the rate at which you earn which can be quite slow from the beginning.
Step 2 -
You should now have been clicking the ads every day and have at least $0.6 in your account so it is time to start renting referrals.On your account page click on rent referrals and rent 3 referrals!that is it for this week,now all you have to do is repeat that process of click ads daily until you can rent more referrals.
From clicking ads, you will still only be earning $0.01 for each ad, but you will now be earning from your rented referrals as well, for each ad that your referral views you will earn commission.So you will now be noticing that you are almost at $0.6 a lot quicker then last time,and this is only with 3 referrals.Our 1st goal is to get to 200 referrals, and 200 rented referrals will earn you approximately $5 a day.It is important to note that you will only receive money from your referrals if you click on a minimum of 4 ads a day, so just make sure that you always click the orange fixed ads once a day!
Now from your account page, head over to the "Rented Referrals" tab, this is where you can manage your rented referrals.The first thing to do here is enable the "auto pay" option. You rent referrals for 30 days at a time.every time your referral clicks an ad and is profitable,auto pay will automatically add 1 more day to its rental period.If a referrals rental period is almost up you will need to manually extend it,just by checking the box by its name and clicking "extend for 30 more days".You won't need to do this for a minimum of 30 days from now so don't worry about it for now.
Step 3 -
Rent more referrals, as many as you can with the money in your account balance.And Simply keep viewing the ads every day,renting more referrals every 7 days and extending the rental period of the referrals that you already own.Every week,extend the referrals that are running out soon and then with the profit that is left over rent more referrals.For now,spend all your profits by putting it back into KatAds because it will make you get to the big money sooner.
Step 4 -
At this stage you have 200 referrals, and are earning something near $5 a day.
When you joined KayAds you were automatically put onto to the standard or free membership. this free membership allows you to rent up to 200 referrals but no more.You have the option of upgrading the the "Golden" Membership. You don't have to invest any of your own money to buy Golden membership, you could just save up your current KayAds earnings until you get $80 and upgrade.Alternatively you can just use $80 of your own money to upgrade instantly.

Step 5 -
Now that you have upgraded to golden member ship you need to start renting referrals again.You should now be able to rent 25+ new referrals a week,and in a few weeks it will be 50+ new referrals a week.You just have to be persistent,never miss a day and remember to view the 4 advertisements daily!
Literally just keep repeating the same process you have been doing all along until you have 2,000 referrals.
If you persisted all this way and have 2,000 referrals you will consistently be earning $30 a day x 7 days a week = $210+ a week or $10,920+ a year.You won't have to spend money on renting any new referrals but you will have to continue extending the referrals you already own.
Now start to withdraw your money :)

Thank You

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